Foundations of Civilization
Unit Outcome WH 1 | WH 1.1 | WH 1.2 | WH 1.3 | WH 1.4 | WH 1.5 | Academic Vocabulary |
Evaluate how historical developments were shaped by time and place as well as by broader historical themes. | I can identify and explain basic elements of civilization. | I can compare early civilizations with regard to geography, social structure and organization, etc. | I can describe the evolution of human rights. | I can analyze the contribution of the Greeks and Romans to modern forms of governments. | I can analyze the impact of the Middle Ages on modern civilizations. | Economic systems, republic, democracy, government, social organization, monarchy, theocracy, feudalism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, monotheism, Qu’ran, cultural diffusion, culture, Declaration of Human Rights |
SS.H.1.9-12 |
Impact of Revolution and Change
Unit Outcome WH 2 | WH 2.1 | WH 2.2 | WH 2.3 | WH 2.4 | WH 2.5 | Academic Vocabulary |
Analyze change and continuity within and across historical eras and how people and institutions have reacted to those changes. | I can explain the impact of the Renaissance.Analyze the economic, social and political factors of the Reformation and describe its impact. | I can compare and contrast the positive and negative consequences of the Columbian Exchange as a result of the Age of Discovery. | I can evaluate the effects of the Scientific Revolution on the Enlightenment and the Age of Reason. | I can discuss the influence of the French Revolution on the ideas of social justice and human rights. | I can identify how the Industrial Revolution began and spread. Explain the economic, social and political effects of the Industrial Revolution. | Mercantilism, capitalism, globalization, social contract, Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, factors of production |
H.2.9-12SS.H.4.9-12 |
Looking at Perspectives
Unit Outcome WH 3 | WH 3.1 | WH 3.2 | WH 3.3 | Academic Vocabulary |
Analyze influences on peoples’ perspectives during different historical eras, with an emphasis on historically underrepresented groups. | I can evaluate the pros and cons of Imperialism. Describe forms of imperialism using historic examples. | I can summarize the nationalist movements around the world and discuss how social equality influenced these movements. | I can identify the 5 major world religions. Connect how religion has shaped group experiences throughout history. | Fundamentalism, sovereignty, cultural diffusion, authoritarian, immigration, globalization, social inequality, Pan-Africanism, Pan-Arabism, Gandhi, apartheid |
SS.H.5.9-12SS.H.8.9-12 |
Understanding Conflict
Unit Outcome WH 4 | WH 4.1 | WH 4.2 | WH 4.3 | WH 4.4 | WH 4.5 | Academic Vocabulary |
Analyze the causes and effects of global conflicts and crises with consideration of the forces that have influenced the conflicts. | I can explain the cause and effects of World War I and the Russian Revolution. | I can explain the cause and effects of World War II | I can analyze the historic and cultural forces leading to genocides. | I can explain how the Cold War has shaped the modern world. | I can analyze how Middle East conflicts have influenced the modern world. | Communism, socialism, fascism, propaganda, foreign policy, Treaty of Versailles, Holocaust, United Nations |
SS.H.10.9-12SS.H.12.9-12 |
Writing Arguments
Unit Outcome WH 5 | WH 5.1 | WH 5.2 | WH 5.3 | WH 5.4 | WH 5.5 | Academic Vocabulary |
Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. | I can introduce precise claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that establishes clear relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. | I can develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly, supplying evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both in a manner that anticipates the audience’s knowledge level and concerns. | I can use words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and counterclaims. | I can establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing. | I can provide a concluding statement or section that follow from and supports the argument presented. | Analyze, evidence, tone, audience |
CC.W.9-10.1 | CC.W9-10.1.a | CC.W9-10.1.b | CC.W9-10.1.c | CC.W9-10.1.d | CC.W9-10.1.e |
Using Evidence
Unit Outcome WH 6 | WH 6.1 | WH 6.2 | WH 6.3 | Academic Vocabulary |
Identify evidence that draws information from multiple sources to revise or strengthen claim as well as construct and evaluate explanations and arguments using multiple sources and relevant, verified information. | I can identify credible sources that support an argument or claim. | I can interpret the evidence and apply it correctly as support. | I can create a product that uses multiple sources as support or evidence. | Media literacy, citations, bias, primary source, secondary source |
SS.IS.5.9-12SS.IS.6.9-12 |
Geography: It’s Nature & Perspectives
Unit 1 Outcome | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | Academic Vocabulary |
Use and interpret maps. | I can label parts of a map & explain the purpose of each part. | I can explain tools that geographers use. | I can identify different types of maps and projections. | Absolute location, Relative location, distortion, map projection, scale, GPS |
Unit 2 Outcome | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | Academic Vocabulary |
Describe and analyze population trends. | I can explain how population density impacts human activity. | I can describe the challenges countries face with population growth. | I can utilize a population pyramid to discuss changes in demographics. | I can identify push and pull factors that lead to migration. | Population density, demography, life expectancy, fertility rate, emigrate, immigrate, migration stream, remittances |
Cultural Patterns & Processes
Unit 3 Outcome | 3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 3.4 | Academic Vocabulary |
Identify cultural patterns & process and apply them locally. | I can compare and contrast folk and popular culture, including a discussion of distribution & diffusion. | I can understand how languages are classified and distributed. | I can identify the world’s major religions, including an explanation of distribution & diffusion. | I can define ethnicity and discuss a country’s ethnic distribution. | Indigenous, culture, linguistic group, ethnic diversity, nationality |
Political Organization of Space
Unit 4 Outcome | 4.1 | 4.2 | 4.3 | 4.4 | Academic Vocabulary |
Identify & provide examples of different political units. | I can identify factors that contribute to the success or failure of new nation-states. | I can explain the forces that work for and against supranational cooperation among nations. | I can discuss how boundaries can cause problems. | I can evaluate where states face threats. | State, supranational cooperation, nation, nationalism, nation-state, self-determination, gerrymandering, terrorism |
Agricultural & Rural Land Use
Unit 5 Outcome | 5.1 | 5.2 | 5.3 | 5.4 | Academic Vocabulary |
Explain the characteristics of agriculture and land use around the world. | I can describe the principle differences between types of agriculture | I can explain the differences between developed and developing countries in food consumption. | I can evaluate how consumption and competition for scarce natural resources contributes to conflict and cooperation within and among countries | I can identify how the land may be used for alternative energy resources. | Biodiversity, sustainable development, developed country, developing country, gross domestic product, per capita, nonrenewable resources, oil reserves |
Industrialization & Economic Development
Unit 6 Outcome | 6.1 | 6.2 | 6.3 | 6.4 | Academic Vocabulary |
Describe the models of economic development as they apply to various regions. | I can describe how women micro-entrepreneurs have changed the human characteristics of the places where they live and work. | I can explain the factors related to the Human Development Index | I can discuss the origin, distribution and diffusion of industries. | I can identify the components and steps of manufacturing a global product. | Informal economy, micro-entrepreneur, outsource, standard of living, free trade, globalization, HDI |
Cities & Urban Land Use
Unit 7 Outcome | 7.1 | 7.2 | 7.3 | 7.4 | Academic Vocabulary |
Explain how services and people are distributed in urban areas. | I can describe the three types of services. | I can understand various definitions of urban settlements | I can describe the models of internal structure of urban areas. | I can explain the challenges urban areas face. | Urban sprawl, suburb, metropolitan area, spatial inequality, primate city |
Foundation of American Society
Unit Outcome AS.1 | AS 1.1 | AS 1.2 | AS 1.3 | Academic Vocabulary |
Students will be able to evaluate the methods utilized by people and institutions to promote change. | I can explain the push and pull factors that encouraged colonization in the New World. | I can analyze the events leading up to the American Revolution and then influencing the formation of American society. | I can identify and describe the role of compromise in forming the American government. | Civil disobedience, Articles of Confederation, U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Federalist, Anti-Federalist |
SS.H.3.9-12 |
Pursuing The American Dream
Unit Outcome AS.2 | AS 2.1 | AS 2.2 | AS 2.3 | AS 2.4 | Academic Vocabulary |
Students will be able to analyze the concept and pursuit of the American Dream. | I can recognize the economic, social and geographic factors that divided the new nation. | I can provide examples of how the concept of Manifest Destiny influenced westward expansion. | I can distinguish between the visions and values of pre-Civil War North and South and the reality of post-war Reconstruction. | I can explain the elements of the Gilded Age and how the political and economic challenges shaped society. | Antebellum Reforms, slavery, immigration, industrialization, urbanization, frontier, manifest destiny, reconstruction, Freedmen’s Bureau |
SS.H.6.9-12 |
America on the World Stage
Unit Outcome AS.3 | AS 3.1 | AS3.2 | AS 3.3 | AS 3.4 | Academic Vocabulary |
Students will be at to analyze multiple and complex causes and effects of events in the past relating to America’s involvement in world affairs. | I can discuss the impact of imperialism and how it was a catalyst for U.S. involvement in foreign conflicts. | I can assess U.S. involvement in WWI and explain American influence and attitudes regarding post-WWI policies. | I can evaluate the U.S. role in WWII and examine America’s post-WWII relationships | I can describe the rise of superpowers and the events of the Cold War that impacted American status on the world stage. | Foreign policy, Monroe Doctrine, Treaty of Versailles, globalization, isolationism, Spanish-American War, League of Nations |
SS.H.11.9-12 |
Reforming American Society
Unit Outcome AS.4 | AS 4.1 | AS 4.2 | AS 4.3 | Academic Vocabulary |
Students will be able to identify the role of individuals, groups, and institutions in the struggle to reform American society. | I can evaluate the social reforms in the Progressive Era and their continued impact. | I can identify the economic, social and political impact of the Great Depression and the policies that influenced the American experience. | I can explain the causes and effects of the Civil Rights Movement and assess its importance in contemporary America. | Suffrage, New Deal, 19th Amendment, affirmative action, FDR, Martin Luther King Jr., ERA |
SS.H.7.9-12 |
Writing arguments
Unit Outcome AS.5 | AS 5.1 | AS 5.2 | AS 5.3 | AS 5.4 | AS 5.5 | Academic Vocabulary |
Students will be able to write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. | I can introduce precise, knowledgeable claim(s), establish the significance of the claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that logically sequences claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. | I can develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly and thoroughly, supplying the most relevant evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both in a manner that anticipates the audience’s knowledge level, concerns, values, and possible biases. | I can use words, phrases, and clauses as well as varied syntax to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims. | I can establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing. | I can provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented. | analyze, evidence, tone, audience |
CC.W.11-12.1 | CC.W.11-12.1.a | CC.W.11-12.1.b | CC.W.11-12.1.c | CC.W.11-12.1.d | CC.W.11-12.1.e |
Using Evidence
Unit Outcome AS.6 | AS 6.1 | AS 6.2 | AS 6.3 | Academic Vocabulary |
Students will be able to analyze the relationship between historical sources and the secondary interpretations made from them, then construct and evaluate explanations and arguments using multiple sources and relevant, verified information. | I can compare and contrast a primary source text with a secondary source interpretation. | I can interpret the evidence presented in a series of texts and assess its usefulness in a writing task. | I can recognize bias in a text and provide support for their reasoning. | bias, media literacy, citations, primary source, secondary source |
SS.H.9.9-12SS.IS.6.9-12 |
Social Perspectives
Unit 1 Outcome | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | Academic Vocabulary |
Identify and apply the sociological perspective and a variety of sociological theories. | I can describe the three main theoretical perspectives in sociology. | I can identify contributions of individuals to the field of sociology. | I can explain the methods of research used in studying sociology, including advantages and disadvantages of each. | I can define collective behavior and explain the theories behind collective behavior. | I can define social change and apply social change theories to explain social movements. | Sociological perspective, Functionalism, conflict, interactionist, collective behavior, theory |
Social Structure
Unit 2 Outcome | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | Academic Vocabulary |
Analyze the impact of culture on social structure. | I can define culture from the sociological perspective and identify cultural universals. | I can compare and contrast ascribed versus achieved status and their roles in the social structure. | I can describe the types & functions of groups and societies . | Norms, values, cultural universals, sanction, subculture, counterculture, role strain |
Social Institutions
Unit 3 Outcome | 3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 3.4 | Academic Vocabulary |
Discuss the functions and conflicts of major social institutions within a society. | I can define social institutions and identify major social institutions in American society. | I can explain the functions of family in society and the conflicts that arise with the social institution. | I can explain the functions of religion in society and the conflicts that arise with the social institution. | I can explain the functions of education in society and the conflicts that arise with the social institution. | Exogamy, homogamy, inheritance patterns, authority patterns, residence patterns, marriage composition, sacred, profane, denomination, hidden curriculum, charter schools |
Unit 4 Outcome | 4.1 | 4.2 | 4.3 | 4.4 | Academic Vocabulary |
Explain how primary agents of socialization influence the individual. | I can identify the main factors that affect personality development. | I can discuss the influence of the social environment on personality. | I can describe the primary agents of socialization in American society. | I can evaluate the impact of the lack of socialization on individuals. | Personality, socialization, nature vs. nurture, Tabular Rasa, Looking-Glass Self, Role-Taking |
Social Identity & Interactions
Unit 5 Outcome | 5.1 | 5.2 | 5.3 | 5.4 | Academic Vocabulary |
Explain the social construction of self, and groups, and their impact on the life chances of the individual. | I can describe the characteristics of adolescence and adulthood. | I can identify the challenges facing adolescents and adults in social identity development. | I can explain the difference between positive and negative deviance. | I can analyze the impact of deviance in society and on the individual. | Dependency, gerontology, deviance, social control, Strain theory, Labelling theory, stigma, deterrence, retribution |
Unit 6 Outcome | 6.1 | 6.2 | 6.3 | 6.4 | 6.5 | Academic Vocabulary |
Analyze the impact of stratification & inequality on groups and the individual within them. | I can define social stratification and identify inequality in American society. | I can describe the characteristics of American social classes & explain social mobility. | I can describe the characteristics of minority groups and patterns of interactions. | I can discuss and analyze examples of inequality based on social class, race, gender & age. | I can evaluate the impact that social inequality has on one’s life chances. | Stratification, social mobility, open-class system, self-fulfilling prophecy, institutionalized discrimination, sexism, ageism, poverty, hate crimes |
Foundations of America
Unit Outcome CV 1 | CV 1.1 | CV 1.2 | CV 1.3 | CV 1.4 | Academic Vocabulary |
Skill DescriptionDescribe the concepts and principles inherent to American Constitutional Democracy. | I can explain the distinctions between various forms of government in the world. | I can explain the roles of selected historical documents and Enlightenment thinkers in shaping the Constitution. | I can demonstrate the structure, meaning and context of the Declaration of Independence. | I can explain the distinctions between the Constitution and the Articles of Confederation. | Magna Carta, Petition of Right, English Bill of Rights, state, government, federation, confederation, sovereignty, democracy, dictatorship, oligarchy, autocracy, presidential government, parliamentary government, free enterprise, John Locke, Baron de Montesquieu, Thomas Hobbes, legislative power, executive power, judicial power, bicameral, grievance, ratification, preamble |
Ill Civics StandardSS.CV.7.9-12 |
The Constitutional Government
Unit OutcomeCV 2 | CV 2.1 | CV 2.2 | CV 2.3 | CV 2.4 | CV 2.5 | CV 2.6 | CV 2.7 | Academic Vocabulary |
Skill DescriptionExplain how the U.S. Constitution established a system of government that has powers, responsibilities and limits which promote the common good and protect our rights. | I can describe the basic construction of the document | I can explain how the Six Basic Principles guide the document | I can demonstrate the formal and informal amendment processes | I can define the structure and roles of the three branches | I can demonstrate the legislative process | I can simulate a Congressional committee hearing | I can explain how the balance of branch powers have evolved | Article, Amendment, Virginia Plan, New Jersey Plan, Connecticut Compromise, 3/5 Compromise, Federalists, Anti-Federalists, Popular Sovereignty, Limited government, Federalism, Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances, Judicial Review, bill, committee, Bill of Rights, militia, Presidential Succession, Executive order |
Ill Civics StandardSS.CV.4.9-12 |
Civic Protections
Unit OutcomeCV 3 | CV 3.1 | CV 3.2 | CV 3.3 | CV 3.4 | Academic Vocabulary |
Skill DescriptionAnalyze the impact of the Constitution and laws on the maintenance of order, justice and equality. | I can demonstrate deep understanding of the Bill of Rights and its role in protecting the liberties of the individual | I can explain how the criminal justice system protects Americans’ liberties | I can analyze the impact of the Supreme Court on social justice | I can explain how constitutional provisions protect individual rights of the accused and convicted persons | Pure speech, symbolic speech, obscenity, defamation, slander, libel, hate speech, commercial speech, seditious speech, censorship, prior restraint, gag order, sequester, petition, assembly, establishment clause, secular, free exercise clause, due process, equal protection clause, incorporation doctrine, selective incorporation, rational basis, discrimination, civil rights, sit-in, picket, affirmative action, racial quota, criminal justice process, evidence, prosecute, search warrant, probable cause, contraband, arrest, exclusionary rule, interrogation, self-incrimination, Miranda Warnings, presumption of innocence, pleas bargain, counsel, acquittal, indigent, cross-examination, status offense, sentence, ex post facto, three-strikes laws, capital punishment, treason, espionage, double jeopardy, |
Ill Civics StandardSS.CV.3.9-12 |
The Political Process
Unit Outcomes CV 4.aCV 4.b | CV 4.1 | CV 4.2 | CV 4.3 | CV 4.4 | CV 4.5 | Academic Vocabulary |
Skill descriptions Describe how political parties, the media and special interest groups both influence and reflect social and political interests.Evaluate the opportunities and limitations of participation in elections, voting and electoral process. | I can distinguish political ideologies and recognize their role in forming political parties and out two-party syst4em | I can describe the role and structure of political parties | I can explain the Primary/General election processes | I can understand the existing campaign funding regime and its implications | I can recognize and describe the impact of Special Interest Groups / Lobbyists | Groups / LobbyistsAcademic VocabularyElector, winner-take-all system, PAC, super-PAC, Electoral College, FEC, primary election, general election, caucus, convention, landslide, polling, incumbency, Presidential succession, political party, one-party system, two-party system, multi-party systems, Third party, patronage, coalition government, single-issue party, ideological party, splinter party, single-member district, proportional representation, liberal, conservative, moderate, Democratic, republican, platform, party identification, independent, polarization, centrist, partisan, bipartisan, canvass, petition, direct primary, closed primary, open primary, plurality, ticket, suffrage, enfranchisement, literacy test, poll tax, Grandfather Clause, midterm election, legislative referendum, popular referendum, initiative, straight party voter, cross-pressured voter, propaganda, hard money, soft money, corruption, compulsory voting, recall, precinct, early voting, absentee ballot, canvassing board, voter registration, political socialization, peer group, media, mass media, political culture, political efficacy, interest group, public opinion, straw poll, sample bias, universe, representative sample, random sampling, sampling error, push polling, exit poll, civil society, lobbyist, grassroots, horse-race coverage, spot advertising, FOIA, Australian Ballot |
Ill Civics StandardsSS.CV.6.9-12SS.CV.2.9-12 |
Civic Engagement
Unit Outcomes CV 5.aCV 5.b | CV 5.1 | CV 5.2 | CV 5.3 | CV 5.4 | CV 5.5 | Academic Vocabulary |
Skill DescriptionsDistinguish the rights, roles, powers and responsibilities of individuals and institutions in the political system.Analyze how individuals use and challenge laws to address a variety of public issues. | I can demonstrate civic responsibilities of the individual | I can relate the myriad ways that an individual can be involved in the political process | I can demonstrate the ways individuals influence their government | I can explain the primary and general election processes | I can understand the role of referenda, recalls and initiatives | Referendum, recall, initiative, citizenship, naturalization, residency, |
Ill Civics StandardSS.CV.9.9-12 |
Unit Outcomes CV 5.aCV 5.b | CV 5.1 | CV 5.2 | CV 5.3 | CV 5.4 | CV 5.5 | Academic Vocabulary |
Skill DescriptionsDistinguish the rights, roles, powers and responsibilities of individuals and institutions in the political system.Analyze how individuals use and challenge laws to address a variety of public issues. | I can demonstrate civic responsibilities of the individual | I can relate the myriad ways that an individual can be involved in the political process | I can demonstrate the ways individuals influence their government | I can explain the primary and general election processes | I can understand the role of referenda, recalls and initiatives | Referendum, recall, initiative, citizenship, naturalization, residency, |
Ill Civics StandardSS.CV.9.9-12 |
Reading / Writing Skills
Unit Outcome CV 7.aCV 7.b | CV 7.1 | CV 7.2 | CV 7.3 | CV 7.4 | CV 7.5 |
Skill DescriptionBy the end of grade 12, read and comprehend history/social studies texts in the grades 11–CCR text complexity band independently and proficiently. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and sufficient evidence. | I can read and interpret a variety of discipline-specific writings | I can introduce precise, knowledgeable claims, establish their significance and create a writing that logically sequences claims, counterclaims, reasons and evidence. | I can develop claims and counterclaims, supplying the most relevant evidence for both. | I can establish and maintain an appropriate style and tone, while attending to required norms and conventions. | I can provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the claims made |
Common Core Skills CC.W.11-12.1 |